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Sunday, March 30, 2008

What money really is about

This animated video, called "Money as Debt" (by artist Paul Grignon) is one of the most interesting resources that I've come across recently. Definitely, a MUST SEE for everyone, whether you are a graduate Economics student, or a regular Joe Know-Nothing, like me.

(Watch it full screen in Google videos, by clicking on the bottom right button)

También puedes ver el vídeo traducido al español aquí

This video reminds me about this splinter that I've had for some time now, this sensation that I don't know enough about economic issues and that I can't put the pieces together in order to understand the big picture about the world's economy, or "how the system works". I always listen and watch eagerly the few interesting radio conversations/debates about economy. That's why I think this is a great video: Grignon has managed to describe in quite simple terms an issue that somehow perceived as complex, or that just is never considered by the masses. Without assuming anything about the audience's knowledge, like those popular books "xxxx for dummies", this short film criticizes the very basis of our economic system. While I watched it, I began to connect the dots about some other situations that I recalled but I never really understood, i.e. what happened in Argentina a few years ago, "el corralito". So I think it helps people understand a little bit better the past, present and future of our economic system. And maybe even take direct action or at least move your account to an ethical bank.

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